Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How to 2011 Toyota Corolla Change Battery In Key Fob video DIY.

How to 2011 Toyota Corolla Change Battery In Key Fob video DIY.

Using a key of remote control, you can supervise a situation which occurs in your car and outside at distance. This invention is very convenient and useful as serves at the same time both the temperature indicator, and a barometer, and the signaling and still carries out the whole mass of functions, in relation to your car.

This panel which in combination is the ignition key of the engine of the car, functions on batteries, and from time to time they sit down.  In such cases you in 5 minutes can independently change them on new, and enjoy achievement of modern progress further.

Batteries are kept in a natural by the help protective a cap. This cap, in turn, is fixed by screws on perimeter and to take out old, unsuitable batteries, and to establish new, you will need first of all a screw-driver.

We unscrew screws and we uncover a key. Now you can take out old batteries and on their place to establish the new. Be guided by how old batteries were installed – as have to be established and new. It is desirable to check operability of new batteries in advance.

How To Install Replace Headlight and Bulb Toyota Corolla 98-02

How To Install Replace Headlight and Bulb Toyota Corolla 98-02

You got into accident and one of head lights of your car was deformed and broke, or simply this detail became more unsuitable for further use?

You independently to change it for the new you will be able for extremely short term if you read the short instruction and see a video lesson of installation of a head light on the Toyota Corolla car.  And despite that for replacement of a headlight it is necessary to remove additional details, process won't be difficult.

At first we remove a front bumper which holds headlights on the places a little. After that we take a screw-driver and we untwist fastening bolts which fix headlights on the places in cells. Now the headlight is extended outside and a half of business is made. Be careful with the bulb of a headlight and with conducting which is connected to it. You shouldn't damage cords or spoil a bulb.

New plafond of a head light we mount in the cell and we twist fastening bolts. Be attentive, be not overzealous as the plafond can burst if you twirl a bolt too hardly. Now establish on the place a front bumper and check work of headlights.

Toyota Corolla Changing the AC Air filte video DIY.

Toyota Corolla Changing the AC Air filte video DIY.

In interior you, that without suspecting, you breathe those harmful allocations which proceed from the car engine. But in order that this negative moment though a little to eliminate, was developed the salonny filter which is mounted in the Toyota Corolla car in the heel near a seat of the driver.

But because of all those exhausts that proceed from under a car cowl, the filter clogs, and it needs to be cleaned regularly, and sometimes – to change for the new.  This task simple, and will cope with it easily any motorist.  The main thing accurately to follow instructions and replacement of the filter will happen quickly and qualitatively.

Sort a glovebox. For this purpose it is necessary to unscrew four fixtures which are on its perimeter, and to pull out an accessory outside from the cell. After that remove a decorative lattice of the salonny filter which is located at once behind a glovebox.

Behind it the filter also is covered. Pull out it and estimate a condition – it is necessary to clean or change. Wipe space where there was a filter, and establish there a new detail, or cleaned. After that return on the place a decorative lattice of the filter, and by means of the same krepezhy establish on the place a glovebox.

How to 2006 toyota camry body work Video DIY.

How to 2006 toyota camry body work Video DIY.

Huge advantage of cars of this brand consists in opportunity quickly to find a detail for replacement. However, it will manage expensively, but the rear fender can be bought and on dismantling. Thus it is worth selecting it not for color, but also carefully to inspect not to get the spare part struck with corrosion or with damage which is hidden by a joint filler layer.

Undertaking repair of a side panel it is independent, remove a rear wheel.  It is better to raise in general the car rear to get good access to a fault location.  The bearing part has to be reliable as at repair you can shake all car quite strongly.

Starting a rikhtovka, be inspected because the place for размахов diversely has to suffice you, and whetstone which you use, has to become freely under different corners. At a rikhtovka you most likely damage a paint and varnish covering not only in a fault location, but also around. These damages won't be noticeable, they represent a network of microcracks which can reach and metal. Therefore after repair you will need to polish carefully all surfaces, to process them a primer and a joint filler.

Roughnesses of metal on a fault location aren't eliminated completely, properties of metal therefore for final alignment use a joint filler are that. Finish repair by fault location coloring according to instructions and, most likely, you don't need full replacement of a detail.


How replacement of a timing belt and a water pomp by this car is made. It is initially necessary to open a cowl and to remove the accumulator. After that it is necessary to remove a fan rim. At

it is necessary to take also sitting front and a flooring.  Then in the accuratest way it is necessary to open repair cracks.  It is necessary to remove also pulleys and belts.  But at everything thus it is impossible to touch a pulley from the fan.  The tube connecting on the turbine needs to be removed also.  Besides, it is necessary to remove a pomp, a hose water and the block of the gate throttle.

After that it is necessary to uncover a timing belt, to unscrew three bolts and to remove a shaft cranked. Then it is necessary to unhook a fan pulley from a roller of the leader, in the accuratest way to take off a timing belt, and then a pomp water. If the pomp can't be pulled out, it is necessary to remove the thermostatically controlled chamber – in this case it can disturb. Then it is necessary to establish into place the  new belts and a pomp water.

You shouldn't forget also, to put into place all small elements. For implementation of replacement of a timing  belt and a pomp water by this car it is independent, you need to see surely the video, which below presented. In this roller the description carrying out this procedure with all details is in detail submitted.

Replacement of a timing belt by Toyota 4 Runner video DIY.

Replacement of a timing belt by Toyota 4 Runner video DIY.

In what way it is possible to carry out timing belt replacement by Toyota 4 RUNNER car independently? It is necessary to tell that to make one it pretty really. First of all it is necessary to slacken a roller on a natyazhitel of a belt. Then with ease it is necessary to pull out the timing belt. However it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to observe strictly all points of carrying out this procedure.

In more detail carrying out replacement of a timing belt is independently presented in the video which is available below.  It is necessary to tell also that this video acts as the fine visual aid for those who to seek to learn to repair the car independently.  Here, by and large, anything difficult isn't present.  The main thing how to be told, have desire.

Tools which are necessary for carrying out this procedure, have to be available in garage of each driver. Therefore in this case problems shouldn't arise. If at the first viewing something remains unclear, it is necessary to see attentively a roller once again, if necessary it can be made though one hundred times.

The main thing here, it to trap all trifles and details, after all at non-performance at least one movement, the effect will be corresponding.  There are no actions main and minor – as it is known, even the small nut influences quality and safety of driving.

To look video

Monday, September 9, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013